Indie Pop

Listen: “If The Devil Is You” by RUNN

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“If The Devil Is You” by RUNN

Uber-talented US-based indie singer/songwriter RUNN comes to Wolf in a Suit with the stunning musical creation that is “If the devil is you”. With this refreshing romantic blend of melodies and lyrics, she explores a different type of love story as she embraces falling for the one that people can’t seem to understand. The track flows with ease and caresses our senses, making us feel an instant connection for the story is one that has is known by all of us (some even being one of these characters). She just knows how to connect the dots and make us feel as much of a part of this tale as she is.

There’s a perfect touch of honesty, charm and danceable melodies that make this soundscape quite fun and inspiring. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet escape offered by the must-listen gem that is “If the devil is you”. Enjoy!

Fun fact: The song was inspired by one of the most amazing characters ever written in a show, the always inspiring Eddie Munson (Played perfectly by Joseph Quinn) from Stranger Things (Season 4).

“There’s something that Eddie embodied in the show, a misunderstood person, a complex and rough around the edges person, a social reject that really resonated with me. I’ve got a soft spot for people like that, and find that they’re the most loving and passionate people out there. I wanted to write a song to every person who’s ever felt like they weren’t supposed to love who they love, but said “fuck it” and did it anyways.”


Location: USA

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of RUNN