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Music Video: “Save Your Lonely” by The East Pointers

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“Save Your Lonely” by The East Pointers

From Canada comes the fantastic indie band, The East Pointers, with their latest single, say hello to “Save Your Lonely”. With this beautifully crafted blend of melodies and lyrics, they open up their hearts and souls to give life to a tale bound to pull you in from start to end. The track embraces you fully as it caresses your senses and gives free reign to your imagination to be part of it. The vocals are absolutely stunning and gives us a subtle dose of passion, hope, romanticism and so much more, delivering something unlike anything else out there.

Plus, the visuals add to experience and bring it all together making sure we connect with the soundscape fully. So listen, see and fall prey to the sweet magical touch of this contemporary must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

Location: Canada

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of The East Pointers