Indie Pop

Listen: “Feed This Fire” by Anin Rose

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“Feed This Fire” by Anin Rose

Walking what at times seems to be a thin line, the talented Anin Rose comes to us with the bittersweet sonic creation that is “Feed this fire”. With this stunning and uniquely personal yet universal showcase of feelings and emotions, she gives life to a tale that explores a relationship and how passion and toxicity can be confused. She embraces the harsh reality of relationship that was not hers but she had a front row seat as it was that of friend near and dear to her.

Her verses understand that at times realizing that you are in bad place is easier said than done, since the heart and the mind clash and make it all seem connect to passion and not to a real issue. She speaks about a situation that is sadly seen, heard, lived more than it would be healthy for us all and she does so in a way that is quite hypnotizing from start to end. So listen closely and open your heart to really understand the story that awaits inside this marvelous soundscape. Enjoy!

Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Spotify click HERE

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