Indie Pop Videos Video

Music Video: “Shake” by Saguru

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“Shake” by Saguru

Found by the uber-talented Chris Rappel, Saguru comes to Wolf in a Suit for the first time with the intoxicating sound of “Shake”. With this refreshing and soothing mix of melodies and lyrics, this project gives us a chance to explore a new world, one that understands us from the very start. The soundscape unfolds with ease and manages to caress our senses and gently pull us into a world that while personal to the artist, manages to feel ours as well. There’s no escaping the magical nature of this song as it gives our imagination a place to roam free without any care.

Plus, the visuals are absolute amazing and perfectly understands what the song needs from it to make the experience whole. This track is a fantastic addition to any playlist and easily earns the label of must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

Location: Germany

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Saguru