Indie Rock Videos Video

Music Video: “Blood Red Son” by Che Aimee Dorval

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“Blood Red Son” by Che Aimee Dorval

From Canada comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Che Aimee Dorval with the cinematic sonic experience that is “Blood Red Son”. With this stunning showcase of feelings and emotions she gives life to a tale bound to pull you in and turn you into the main character of it. Her voice is perfection and understands each and every moment that requires her to showcase passion, anger and a wide array of emotions that compel us and connects with us. The melodies and lyrics become one within this soundscape, making sure the track unfolds with such fire and raw magnetic energy that you can’t help but be in complete awe.

She is without a shadow of a doubt an exciting talent that deserves all the praise and a high spot in any playlist. So listen closely and fall prey to sweet unknown magic of this contemporary must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

“The video for ‘Blood Red Son’ is a fever dream of indecision, regret and resolve. It’s about the moment you realize you have a choice to make, and all the different conflicting emotions that compete for space in your head while doing so. That’s the important bit though. However chaotic and difficult the choice may be, it’s essential for people to have the ability to make it for themselves.

When I wrote this song and made this video, the right to that choice, though constantly under attack, still seemed set in stone, at least in my country. Now, as I watch the world stride backwards, I’m realizing more and more that we can’t take these things for granted. Freedom over our bodies is not a given.” 

Che Aimee Dorval

Location: Canada

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Che Aimee Dorval