Indie Rock

Listen: “Family Tree” by Chris Beland

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“Family Tree” by Chris Beland

Uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Chris Beland comes to Wolf in a Suit with the inspiring sonic creation that is “Family Tree”. With this refreshing blend of melodies and lyrics he comes to us with an invitation to see the world as it’s meant to be and not about left and right or up and down, but all together in this adventure. The track embraces the harsh reality of the world in a way that is quite beautiful and filled with hope as the verses unfold and the soundscape pulls us in. There’s something about the way in which the voice connects that gently caresses our senses and manages to put a smile in our faces.

The track is without a shadow of a doubt an absolute must not only for the wonderful arrangement but for the lyrical beauty it holds. So listen closely and fall in love with the contemporary must-listen gem that is being served. Enjoy!

“We’re all part of this together. Even if you don’t like the person on the other side of the aisle, you’re still connected.”

Chris Beland

Location: USA

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Chris Beland