Indie Pop Indie Rock

Listen: “Taxi” by NALGO BAY

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“Taxi” by NALGO BAY

UK-based indie Pop-Rock band NALGO BAY comes to Wolf in a Suit with the hypnotizing sonic creation that is “Taxi”. With this refreshing and absolutely stunning showcase of feelings and emotions, they give life to a world that embraces the classic and the modern with such grace and passion. The track flows with ease and in an instant not only hooks us in but manages to caress our senses and make us feel a connection that is most welcomed and fantastic to find. They allow the verses to flow naturally one after the other, speaking to us and telling a story that is so vivid, so raw and so human.

There’s something quite intoxicating and mesmerizing about this soundscape that felt just like love at first listen, making this band an absolute favorite and one that I highly recommend. So listen closely and let your imagination run wild through the sweet magical reality of this fantastic must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Spotify click HERE