Indie Pop Indie Folk

Listen: “If It’s Easier” by FERGUS

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“If It’s Easier” by FERGUS

UK-based indie singer/songwriter FERGUS comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and delivers the haunting sonic creation that is “If it’s easier”. With this beautifully captivating and poetic showcase of feelings and emotions, he gives life to a tale bound to pull us in and connect with each and everyone of us. There’s something about the way in which the verses flow with such ease and grace that manages to perfectly paint a picture so human and so vivid. It all comes together perfectly and embraces our senses as the soundscape unfolds and offers us a chance to escape from reality and find a home within it.

The track is quite honestly a perfect addition for any playlist and understands how to speak to all us and invite us in without any fear of the unknown that awaits. So listen closely and fall in love with the magic of the must-listen gem that is “If it’s easier”. Enjoy!

“The title-birthing track of the album. This was a song I had mapped out on guitar for ages and ages, just waiting for the verses to materialise. Life and love can beat us down, and make us want to close up and sort of “opt out” to feel safer. Is it easier? Probably. But will that lead to fulfilment…? So it goes from being very risk-adverse, to having doubts, then to eventually surrendering utterly – at the mercy of love.”


Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of FERGUS