Indie Pop

Listen: “Differently” by Limón Limón

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“Differently” by Limón Limón

US-based indie band Limón Limón come to Wolf in a Suit for the first time with the magical sonic creation that is “Differently”. With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics, they explore what it means to be in love after a long absence of it. The track is an instant summer jam and dare I say it, a sneaky yet attractive indie hit that is sure to connect with your bodies and hearts. The soundscape invites you to smile, to explore and to sing along as you dance to this fantastic musical arrangement.

There’s something about the way it all comes together that just hits you with a gentle fire that is so intoxicating and mesmerizing. So listen closely and let your senses dive into this world that invites you in from the moment you press play. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Limón Limón