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Spotlight: Creature Canyon

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creature canyon - usa - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog
Meet the Band: Austin Steele, Ryan Amyot, Kyle Victoria, Aaron Lund, and Luc Fralic

Meet Creature Canyon

From California come the uber-talented guys of Creature Canyon with a sound that is intoxicating and inviting. The talented 5-piece understand the musical needs of the modern-day rocker and offer an adventure with each and every track they put forth. They are one of those special bands in the indie music scene that needs to be heard by the entire world for they hold within that special unknown that appears when the talent is pure.

The guys manages to always caress our senses and activate our imaginations as they give life to stories so human and so raw. Each song is an adventure that is simply waiting for us to go ahead and press play as we dive happily into the unknown. There’s something about their sound that is just so mesmerizing and theirs that there’s no denying when it’s one of their creations.

So come with me my fellow music lover and let us partake in some truly fantastic musical ambrosia courtesy of this amazing band. To do that simply close your eyes, listen carefully to each and every sound and just let the magic flow through you as it all comes alive and you are invited into their reality. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Creature Canyon