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Music Video: “Far and Wide” by WILDES

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“Far and Wide” by WILDES

UK-based indie singer/songwriter WILDES comes to us with the captivating sonic creation that is “Far and Wide”. With this exquisite and charming blend of melodies and lyrics, she explores a topic that personally, should be celebrated more, she talks about friendship. The track is a wonderful celebration of what it means to have people around you that truly care and support you. Her voice is filled with the joy of knowing this and it feels infectious and inviting from start to end, giving a chance to be part of a wonderful adventure.

There’s something about this soundscape that just hits the spot and connects the dots, bringing a smile to all who listen. So open up your eyes and listen closely for this track is an absolute most for any music lover. Enjoy!

“Far and Wide is a celebration of friendship. It reflects the madness and uncertainty of early adulthood and the constant change and turbulence we all go through. After neglecting them for a long time, I realised how constant and secure my friendships had become. They saved me, melting away my shame and holding me when I couldn’t cope.

Banding together against our shared, frenzied existences, it dawned on me that these loving and intimate friendships were more valuable than any boyfriend had ever been. The constant support and unconditional love of these people is the reason I am here today. So this is a love letter to those friends who saved me – I would do anything for you.”


Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of WILDES