Indie Rock

Listen: “Call It What It Is” by BATTS

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“Call It What It Is” by BATTS

From Australia comes the fantastic and uber-talented BATTS and she does so with the sonic creation that is “Call it what it is”. With this refreshing and captivating showcase of feelings and emotions she caresses our senses and invites us to move as the sounds take over our very existence. The melodies and lyrics become one and give way for an experience so enticing and intoxicating that you can’t help but want and need more and more of it.

There’s something about this soundscape that is just so pure, so human, so honest that it just hits you and makes you feel at home. So listen closely and dive into the sweet unknown that makes this song an absolute must for any music lover. Enjoy!

“I find moving and dancing to be so healing. I really wanted to create a song that hits you right in the chest and makes you want to move every part of your body. This song feels like a fierce sort of movement, like you really need to move to the sounds. They aren’t pretty, they are forceful in a releasing sort of way and perfectly placed together to help you move. I hope this song helps people get something out, release something from their body they have been keeping inside.”


Location: Australia

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of BATTS