Indie Pop

Listen: “Small Talk” by Dear Rouge

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“Small Talk” by Dear Rouge

Canadian indie band Dear Rouge comes to Wolf in a Suit once more with the indie pop sonic creation that is “Small Talk”. With this stunning and in-your-face blend of melodies and lyrics, they explore the need to cut the crap and all the nonsense in order to search for something real and pure. They embrace that newly discovered global voice that tries to push all the bullshit out and be authentic with what they want and need. The instrumental is catchy, inviting and manages to perfectly house the voice, which in turn gives life to a tale so human, so mesmerizing and so perfectly inspiring.

There’s something about this soundscape that just speaks to us and adds itself so beautifully into all our playlists. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet joy and inspiring touch of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

“’Small Talk’” asserts how the reality of the world right now has changed our needs, as we are all aching for authentic connection. We don’t have the time or space for “cheap love””.

Dear Rouge

Location: Canada

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Dear Rouge