Indie Pop Indie Rock

Listen: “So Good It Hurts” by Ciao Lucifer

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“So Good It Hurts” by Ciao Lucifer

From the Netherlands comes the uber-talented indie pop duo Ciao Lucifer with the charming sonic creation that is “So Good It Hurts”. With this honest and playful blend of melodies and lyrics they explore the reality of life and growing up in a way that is both bittersweet and captivating. They understand that we doubt ourselves at times and look at others for comparison while missing what we can actually do. The track is a modern and down-to-earth reflection of this and guides us to seek balance between self-doubt and self-acceptance.

There’s something about this soundscape that just connects the dots and makes us feel understood and inspired. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magic of this fantastic must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: Netherlands

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Ciao Lucifer