Indie Rock Indie Folk

Listen: “Second Cities” by Babes In Canyon

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“Second Cities” by Babes In Canyon

US-based indie band Babes in Canyon comes to Wolf in Suit with the captivating sonic creation that is “Second Cities”. With this exquisite and haunting blend of melodies and lyrics, they manages to unite folk, pop and rock into a truly unique sound. The track flows with ease and in an instant manages to caress our senses and pull us in gently as the story unfolds with such vivid imagery. There’s something about this soundscape that is both surreal yet so down to earth and filled with a welcomed dose of raw honesty.

They understand what’s needed to tell a story and from star to end manage to transport to this world that can only be accessed once we press play. So listen closely and fall prey to this fantastic and absolutely stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Babes In Canyon