Indie Pop Indie Rock

Listen: “永遠甚だしい” by name-less

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“永遠甚だしい” by name-less

From Japan comes the absolutely fantastic artist that goes by name-less with the sonic creation that is “永遠甚だしい”. I will not claim to understand what’s being told lyrically but I can say without a shadow of a doubt that the arrangement is catchy, fun and electrifying. There’s something about this soundscape that just gets you pumped and ready for whatever comes next as it comes alive and just pulls you without a seconds notice.

This is truly one of my favorite songs f the year and as a big fan of Japanese culture and entertainment I can only say “Bravo”. So come with me and let us explore this unknown reality that invites us in and fall prey to the must-listen magic that calls it home. Enjoy!

Location: Japan

To listen on Spotify click HERE

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