Indie Pop Videos Video

Music Video: “Another Falling Star” by Ben Abraham

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“Another Falling Star” by Ben Abraham

From Australia comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Ben Abraham with the folk-pop sonic tale of “Another Falling Star”. With this exquisite and beautifully crafted soundscape, he opens up his heart and soul and delivers a tale bound to speak to all the dreamers out in the world. The track has it all to caress our senses while playing with our imagination and gently inviting us to be part of this story. The instruments and vocals perfectly connect with each other and the experience is only enhanced by the cinematic approach taken with the music video.

There’s really something special waiting for us all and the moment you press play, you end up realizing that in it you’ll find a small reflection of yourself. So listen, see and dive into the sweet unknown of this absolutely fantastic must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

Location: Australia

“I wrote ‘Another Falling Star’ with Cara Salimando; we had a free afternoon and decided to sit at the piano and write for no real purpose. It came from talking about all the people we know—ourselves included—who moved to Los Angeles to chase their dreams, and how hard that can end up being.”

Ben Abraham

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Ben Abraham