Indie Pop Indie Rock

Listen: “Heroine” by Your Favorite Color

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“Heroine” by Your Favorite Color

US-based indie band Your Favorite Color comes to us with the pop-rock sonic creation that is “Heroine”. With this refreshing and utterly captivating blend of melodies and lyrics, they transport us to a world of their own creation. The track is smoot and refreshingly hypnotizing from start to end, allowing it to caress our senses and really play with our imaginations. There’s something about this soundscape that catches off-guard but manages to immediately connect the dots and be part of this tale they have crafted. The band offers us to perfect taste of what’s to come with this track and it honestly seems like an adventure we want to be part of. So listen closely and dive into the unknown yet magical reality of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Spotify click HERE


More of Your Favorite Color