Indie Pop

Listen: “inconnu” (Stripped) by Ariane Gabriel

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“inconnu” by Ariane Gabriel

French-American indie singer/songwriter Ariane Gabriel is back to Wolf in a Suit with the stripped version of her sonic creation, “Inconnu”. This marvelous blend of melodies and lyrics comes to us with a relatable and down-to-earth tale sure to connect with all who listen. The track paints a picture so human, so raw and so true that it simply breaks the barriers of genre and age and pulls us all in. She knows that getting over an ex is not easy as said and done and understands the wide array of feelings and emotions that are part of this process. There’s no language block and he voice is able to transmit it all as she caresses our senses and connects the dots that live in this tale. So listen closely and embrace the sweet poetic magic of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: France / USA

To listen on Apple Music click HERE


More of Ariane Gabriel