Indie Pop

Listen: “Open Hearts” by HAEVN x Birdy

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“Open Hearts” by HAEVN x Birdy

The UK and Netherlands connect and become one, courtesy of HAEVN and Birdy with the sweet sound of “Open Hearts”. With this gentle and utterly captivating soundscape, they give life to a beautiful soundscape sure to embrace us all and speak to our hearts and souls. The track blends melodies and lyrics with such warmth and sweet touch, that you can’t help but feel it’s magic caress your senses and transport you elsewhere. There’s something about it that just gives you peace as it reminds you that life is beautiful when you share it with those you deem special and important to you.

They also take the time to let us know that is not always that we will connect with the right people, but we should never loose hope in this. So listen closely and explore this fantastic sonic realm and fall prey to the must-listen magic that makes “Open Hearts” so special. Enjoy!

Location: Netherlands / United Kingdom

To listen on Spotify click HERE

“Everyone has an enormous need for connection with another person. We want to give that feeling a voice with this song, and at the same time connect the hope that it will be okay. If it’s not good, it’s not the end. Open hearts forever young, one day a change will come. Have faith in connecting with others,” 


“When Jorrit and Marijn sent me the song, I was so moved. The strings are beautiful and the way Marijn sings is so intimate and emotional. I’m really happy that we’re finally releasing a song together. Although we didn’t finish anything when we wrote together a few years ago, I’ve always felt that at some point it would work because our voices and musical styles matched so well.”



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