Indie Pop

Listen: “SUN” by Jamila Al-Yousef

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“SUN” by Jamila Al-Yousef

From Germany comes the uber-talented Jamila Al-Yousef with the ethereal sonic creation that is “SUN”. With this refreshing and utterly inspiring blend of melodies and lyrics, she invites us to explore the magic that lies hidden all across the globe. The soundscape unfolds with a haunting and charming naturality that feels so intoxicating and so beautiful as it caresses our senses and pulls us in. The track is so pure and there’s something about it that just hits us deep and speaks like a poem meant to become one with our hearts and souls. Plus, her voice is absolutely marvelous and really knows how to offer us that warmth and escapism that we need. So listen closely and just dive into this world she has crafted with such care and sweet emotion. Enjoy this stunning must-listen gem!

Location: Germany

To listen on Spotify click HERE

“‘SUN’ is all about realizing we don’t need to fight all the time to feel accepted in this challenging world. If this pandemic showed one thing it is to step up our self care. Stop hiding your needs, show up, take time to heal your trauma and build yourself a healthy rhythm – like sun and moon. Sometimes they are not visible, dealing with their shadows in then dark to then rise stronger and brighter.” 

Jamila Al-Yousef


More of Jamila Al-Yousef