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Music Video: “Pirouettes” by Celine Cairo

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“Pirouettes” by Celine Cairo

From the Netherlands comes the uber-talented and mesmerizing indie singer/songwriter Celine Cairo comes to Wolf in a Suit with the beautiful sonic creation that is “Pirouettes”. With this exquisite blend of melodies and lyrics she speaks to us with a tender and warm vibe that allows the track to connect with us instantly. She speaks to us about relationships and the various moments and ups and downs that make it up. The visuals complement the sonic experience so perfectly and with such a stunning approach that you can’t help but feel instantly hypnotized. So listen closely and fall prey to this fantastic must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

Side Note: The video features two contemporary dancers, sisters Gianine & Sherise Strang.

Location: Netherlands

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Celine Cairo