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your girl

From the Netherlands comes the always amazing indie singer/songwriter néomí with her latest release, say hello to "your girl". With this refreshingly honest and down-to-earth blend of melodies and lyrics she gives life to a tale so real, so human and so wonderfully relatable. She paints a picture that is truly inviting, allowing us to see bits and pieces of ourselves within the confines of this world that comes alive from the moment we press play.

There's something about "your girl" that just feels so real and so palpable that you can't help but connect with it, even though you know it's inspired by her own personal experiences, it just clicks wit you. It's a soundscape that embraces a truth of life and relationships in how we can get lost in what others claim us to be, forgetting the reality of our own hearts. So listen closely, pay attention and embrace the sweet magic of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"'your girl' is about people (whether known personally to you or not) painting a picture 'you' using their own words, their stories, their interpretation of who they think you are today, or you should be tomorrow or how you were in the past. It is about realising that you are no longer playing yourself in your own 'movie' but instead find yourself trying to fulfil how others see you in their own 'movie'. You lose yourself to another 'you' and become another character because of that. I noticed I was playing up to a character of how others around me saw me and had to work very hard to find myself again.

Of course, would it be a néomí song without a bit of love? Haha. I was hurt by a loved one, and watched as that person hurt someone they love and visa versa. So there you go: I've got another love song for you. Again, the song is more than just that, to me it has different layers so I'm not sure more words would help, just listen and find out yourself what you feel. Maybe one day we can talk about it :) "

néomí about "your girl"

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