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Young and Dumb

Once again we get the chance to be blown away by the talent of Mary Middlefield, this time, courtesy of the sonic tale of "Young and Dumb". With this track we get something more raw, more real, and truly quite intoxicating and uniquely palpable from start to end. It's a song that embrace its verses in a way that understands how to pull us in an instant and make us feel it ours in such natural fashion.

"Young and Dumb" is further proof of how fantastic and talented Mary is and that we must not sleep on these tales she is crafting with such care, passion and understanding of the human experience. It's a soundscape that is sure to resonate with more than a few listeners as it can feel as much yours as it is hers. So listen closely and dive into the world that awaits us within this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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