ynml - BLYN - usa - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog


Editor's Notes Fantastic and hypnotizing blend of melodies and lyrics that give indie rock something wonderful to be a part of.

US-based indie band BLYN comes to Wolf in a Suit with the mesmerizing indie rock sonic creation that is "YNML" (You Need My Love). With this refreshing showcase of feelings and emotions, the talented ensemble gives us a unique world to explore and connect with. The melodies and lyrics perfectly dance together, inviting us in and letting us that it's ok to be free inside it.

The vocals are surreal yet quite hypnotizing from the very start, connecting perfectly with the instrumental arrangement as the soundscape comes alive. Then the verses of "YNML" start leading us on as we start to see the rebellious and raw nature behind the song as a whole, making it even much more intoxicating. The struggle and the in-your-face approach of the soundscape lets it become a must for any music lover from start to end.

There's something about this song that is so unique, so wonderful and so ready to be part of your playlist. So listen closely and let the magic and unknown touch of "YNML" caress your senses and pull you inside the realm of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

YNML or “you need my love” is written from the perspective of a person wrestling with the reality of political and social polarization, not only within society but within themselves. On an internal level, they feel pulled apart by different, and at times, opposing ideologies, not knowing how to mediate between them. In the midst of this, accepting that government leaders and policies drastically impact people and that change is needed in order to care for the marginalized and oppressed in our society.

On one hand, this song is a protest against the powers that be, and on the other hand, a protest against the contempt and apathy within ourselves to actually take action.


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