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Wish That You Were Here

Editor's Notes Bittersweet, raw and absolutely honest...making this a song sure to find a home in quite a few listeners.

Uber-talented and honest indie singer/songwriter Dasha comes to Wolf in a Suit with the bittersweet tale of "Wish that you were here". With this down-to-earth showcase of feelings and emotions, the talented young artists paints a picture that is so personal and so universal, allowing us all to simply connect. Her voice guides us through this reality that she has crafted, inspired by a relationship that is now gone but left a mark hard to forget about. She embraces the pain and the sadness that was part of the heartbreak in a way that is so mesmerizing and human, letting us be part of this experience.

There's something about this song that makes it just so poetic and freeing, that you can't help but need and want more and more of it. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet escape offered by the must-listen gem that is "Wish that you were here". Enjoy!

"I wrote this song last year, right after I had moved to LA, with artist/ songwriter Ben Kessler over Zoom. I came into the session wanting to write a song called ‘Wish That You Were Here’ in an ode to Pink Floyd because it’s my ex's favorite song. ‘Wish That You Were Here’ is everything I wish I could’ve said to him.

I never had the nerve to admit to myself that what he did to me was wrong. I never called him out for everything he pulled on me because I was embarrassed that I’d go back if he ever called. 'I’d rather have the worst of you than nothing.' There’s something about this song that’s really special because I know so many people can unfortunately relate."


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