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Australian indie sister-duo Charm of Finches comes to Wolf in a Suit with their latest haunting sonic creation, say hello to "Atlantis". With this uniquely hypnotizing and wonderfully crafted blend of melodies and lyrics they give life to a world so human, so raw and so wonderfully bittersweet and honest. It's a one-of-a-kind soundscape that understands the rights ways to speak not only to our hearts, but to our souls as well, giving us freedom to explore it from the moment we press play.

There's something about "Atlantis" that just clicks from the moment we press play and pulls us in softly, letting us know it's ok to be fragile, to be sad, to be true to ourselves. It's a truly amazing song that deserves to be fan a favorite as it finds a home in my playlists. So listen closely and embrace all that this must-listen gem has to offer. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“Atlantis is a place to retreat to when overcome by intense emotions. We’ve witnessed friends we care about sinking into dark places, like being underwater. Water has always been a recurring motif in our music to express the fluidity and intensity of feeling.”

Charm of Finches

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