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Wholesome Dread

Editor's Notes Pop and rock come together and give us absolute perfection though inspiring storytelling.

Inspiration is best served when it comes from honest verses and a voice blessed by the music gods, and to offer you that comes Cara Louise and "Wholesome Dread". With this exquisite and beautifully crafted blend of melodies and lyrics, she explores the fragile truth of our hearts and souls in a way that makes us feel a connection. She embraces the fact that life has ups and downs, but also knows that every time we go down, we can always get back up. She goes a step further and invites to realize that in those moments of dreadful unknown, we may find lessons that will make our futures brighter.

"Wholesome Dread" is not only the title track of her latest album, but a great way to get you hooked by her musical prowess. So listen closely and find escapism within this fantastic and mesmerizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

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