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Where You Are

From the US comes the absolutely amazing indie singer/songwriter Sita with her latest single, say hello to the world of "Where You Are". With this wonderfully hypnotizing and ethereal blend of melodies and lyrics, she paints a picture so unique and so magnetic, that you can't help but need and want more and more of it. Her voice is beautiful and manages to grab a hold of our senses from the moment we press play, pulling us in to be part of this new-found adventure.

There's something about "Where You Are" that embraces us whole, giving us freedom from the mundane as it pulls us away from what we think we know. It's a welcomed escape from reality that fills us with a warmth that is so endearing and subtly exciting and mesmerizing. So listen closely and dive into the unknown that makes this song such a wonderful must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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