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Where Do We Go?

Editor's Notes Honest, bittersweet and down-to-earth blend of melodies and lyrics.

US-based indie band Weston Estate comes to Wolf in a Suit with the bittersweet and honest sonic creation that is "Where Do We Go?". With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics they explore what goes on inside our hearts, souls and minds after a break-up and how we ask so many questions. The track understands that we feel lost at this point for we don't know where we are going or what took us there.

"Where Do We Go?" allows us to think about the good, the bad and why the right decision was to say goodbye and try to move forward. It gives life to an inner dialogue between the me, myself and I as we all come to an agreement that hopefully leads to some sort of clarity. There's something quite freeing and captivating about this soundscape that just knows how to caress your senses and make you feel at ease as the tears dry, the voice stops screaming and our feet settle down to point forward.

So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical touch of this honest and down-to-earth showcase of feelings and emotions. Embrace each and every verse and let the must-listen gem that is "Where Do We Go?" offer you an exit from the maze that's currently part of your heart. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“At first glance “Where Do We Go” portrays a relationship that has come to an end. Throughout the song, we look back on the bittersweet moments from former relationships and wonder if we made the right decision in leaving. A closer look into the song shows that it is also about the introspection that comes from post-breakup clarity. The introspective dive one takes shows the inner dialogue that exists within us as we grapple with carving a path for ourselves while trying to balance the noise we hear from the outside world.”

Weston Estate

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