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What’s Real (Ft. Imelda Lizal)

US-based indie producer Sofasound joins forces with Imelda Lizal and together they give life to the intoxicating sonic realm that is "What's Real". With this fantastic blend of melodies and lyrics we get all and more than what we could have wanted in an electronic realm. The track is exciting, fun, playful, honest and so refreshingly creative and cinematic from start to end. It's a world that invites you to explore it and find a bit of yourself smiling back at you within it.

There's something special about "What's Real" that just clicks, becoming an instant fan favorite and a favorite of mine as well. It's a track bound to be house in many playlist and I highly recommend you added to yours as well. So listen closely and fall into the unknown yet magnetic reality that dwells within this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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