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West Coast Feeling

Editor's Notes Powerful, raw and absolutely intoxicating blend of melodies and lyrics.

UK-based indie singer/songwriter Samuel Nicholson comes to Wolf in a Suit with the powerful sonic creation that is "West Coast Feeling". With this stunning and absolutely hypnotizing approach, he gives us a chance to be part of something so raw, so human and so perfectly real. The track flows with ease, pulling us in and letting us know that there's no need for fantasies and intangible things, but to be free and true to ourselves.

Something about this track is just so amazing and knows how to get us excited for it understands that sometimes we need something that speaks to us in words we understand. "West Coast Feeling" connects with our hearts and souls in a way that lets us be sad, angry, happy and all that lies in between.

"West Coast Feeling" is without a shadow of a doubt a fantastic musical creation that invites us to sing, to scream and to fall prey to something special. So listen closely and embrace the intoxicating fire of this fantastic must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Samuel Nicholson