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From Ireland comes the fantastic up-and-coming indie singer/songwriter Elle Coves with her latest single, say hello to the sweet magic caress of "Summer". With this subtly playful and inviting blend of melodies and lyrics, she allows us to break free from reality and simply explore a world unknown and so charming. It's a welcomed escape for our senses that allows our imagination to feel relaxed as it connects with the verses to paint a picture so joyful and mesmerizing.

There's something about "Summer" that just hits the spot as it embraces the happy-go-lucky beauty of the season from the moment you press play. It's a wonderful soundscape that serves to open our eyes and ears to the musical talent of this exciting young artist. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet touch of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“When I wrote ‘Summer, I wanted to capture the feeling of those idyllic days spent with friends basking in the sun, playing our favourite music. I wanted to write a feel-good song that people could play with their mates, making their own summer memories.”  

Elle Coves

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