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Up In My Mind

Editor's Notes A refreshingly freeing and captivating musical creation.

German indie band Kytes comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and they give life to the captivating sonic creation that is "Up In My Mind". With this fantastic blend of melodies and lyrics they manage to craft something quite special and freeing, something that just gets you hooked from the moment you press play. The track flows with ease, caressing our senses and inviting us to sing, dance and be wild and free as the soundscape comes alive.

"Up In My Mind" is an absolutely fantastic track that knows how to speak to our souls in a way that is quite soothing and playful from start to end. There's something about this that feels like an adventure that begs to be shared and a world that needs to be explored. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical touch of the unknown that makes this an absolute must-listen gem. Enjoy!

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