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Twisted Attraction

Editor's Notes Folk-pop soundscape that caresses your senses and invites you to be a part of it.

From the UK comes the fantastic and absolutely talented Danny Starr with his latest single, say hello to "Twisted Attraction". With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics, he gives life to a familiar yet strange reality that allows his voice to show it's full range. The track is passionate and the way in which the verses connect one after the other makes it quite mesmerizing and inviting from start to end. There's no denying that there's something refreshingly magical about this soundscape that knows how and when to pull us in.

"Twisted Attraction" is another fantastic musical creation from an artist bound to become a fan-favorite of all music lovers. So listen closely and fall prey to the magical touch of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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