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From Sweden comes the absolutely amazing indie singer/songwriter Vilhelm Buchaus with his latest release, say hello to the bittersweet tale of "Together". With this stunning blend of honest feelings and emotions, he paints a picture so vivid, so lush and so utterly palpable and raw. It's a soundscape that embraces us our senses from the moment we press play, giving life to a tale that could easily be ours for it understands the aftermath of what once was in a relationship.

There's something about "Together" that just knows how to speak to our hearts and souls with words that showcase the fragile truth of our human condition when it comes to matters of love. It's a song that while sad feels also intoxicating and inviting, feeling part of us from start to end. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magic of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"The song is about trying to move on after losing something close. About feeling lonely and at the same time wondering what could have been done differently."

Vilhelm Buchaus about "Together"

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