time - Deanna DiLandro - usa - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog


US-based indie singer/songwriter Deanna DiLandro comes to Wolf in a Suit for the first time with the sonic creation that is "time". With this wonderfully exciting and haunting blend of melodies and lyrics, she gives life to something unique and magnetic. It's a track that knows exactly how to to speak to our senses, pulling us in from the moment we press play and never letting go.

There's something about "time" that just hits the spot, allowing us think of our relationship with the threads crafted by the hands of Kali or is it Chronos, or maybe it's the long forgotten Zurvan. We see that there's a strange duality at play, for we can control but also there are things about it that we cannot stop. So listen closely and fall prey to sweet magic of this mesmerizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

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