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This Love

From Australia comes the always amazing indie singer/songwriter Harrison Storm with a sweet dose of musical magic courtesy of "This Love". With this refreshing blend of melodies and lyrics he gives life to a tale so human, so real and so wonderfully exciting and inviting. The track comes alive and just hits the spot, connecting the dots as verse after verse the image becomes clearer and clearer. It's a unique showcase of feelings and emotions that are bound to click and feel ours for this tale is not only personal but wonderfully universal as well.

There's something about "This Love" that caresses our senses and plays with our imagination, telling a story that understands the magic and unknown nature of new love. It's a soundscape made to be a fan favorite and a great addition to his already exquisite body of work. So listen closely and fall prey to the magnetic pull of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"At its core this song is about the blind pull that a new romantic connection can have on you. The seduction in the intensity between two people can feel so alluring that everything else in your life falls away for that period of time. You're not sure whether it's a real or healthy connection but you just can't help yourself."

Harrison Storm about "This Love"

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"This Love" Music Video