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Thinking About You

From Canada comes the amazing indie singer/songwriter Brooklyn Juliana with his latest musical creation, say hello to "Thinking About You". With a refreshingly playful and honest blend of melodies and lyrics, he gives life to a tale that is sure to speak to more than a few. The track explores the topic of love in a way that is youthful, fun and quite inviting from start to end. It's a soundscape that knows how to connect the dots and really paint a picture that is vivid and lush.

There's something about "Thinking About You" that is just so amazing, falling perfectly in place and becoming a must for any playlist. It's a tale that could that feels both personal and universal, becoming one with our senses and imagination. So listen closely and dive into the unknown of this wonderful tale of young love. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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"Thinking About You" Music Video

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