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The Never-Ending Line

Editor's Notes A uniquely crafted blend of melodies and lyrics that feels so haunting and inviting.

UK-based indie band The Misty comes to Wolf in a Suit with a unique sound, courtesy of their latest single, say hello to "The Never-Ending Line". With this exquisite and refreshingly haunting soundscape, they give life to a world so surreal, so enticing and so wonderfully hypnotizing from start to end. The balance of vocals and instruments is absolutely amazing, making the song an instant addition to any playlist.

There's something about this track that just knows how to deliver a wide array of feelings and emotions that are quite human and relatable. "The Never-Ending Line" is a contemporary musical creation that understands how to draw inspiration for the classic sounds while still being true to its essence. It offers us a world to explore, to listen and enjoy as the verses flows and the song becomes an absolute must-listen gem.

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