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Splitting Of The Wood

US-based indie singer/songwriter Morning Bear comes to Wolf in a Suit with the refreshingly honest tale of "Splitting Of The Wood". With this stunning mix of melodies and lyrics, we are given a chance to explore a world so human, so real and so wonderfully down to earth. It's a soundscape that speaks from his heart directly to ours, allowing us to connect and feel the verses as much ours as they are his.

"Splitting Of The Wood" speaks of the uncertainties of life and whether our hard work can and will create any results. It gives voice to that question that we know dwells deep inside us, the one which wonders if all we do makes any sense. This wonderful soundscape embraces us whole and allows us to see what we are not alone under that grey cloud. So listen closely and explore the realm that dwells within this must-listen gem and hopefully a positive answer to that question can arise from it. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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