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Someone You Once Had

Editor's Notes A fantastically crafted showcase of feelings and emotions.

US-based indie singer/songwriter ROSIE comes to us with her brand of honest lyricism and catchy sounds, courtesy of her latest single, say hello to "Someone You Once Had". With this wonderfully crafted blend of melodies and lyrics she opens up her heart and soul to give life to a tale so bittersweet yet so real. The track explores what heartbreak bring and how it doesn't always have to be bad, for sometimes it serves to remind you of how valuable you are.

The track is a powerful showcase of feelings and emotions that are as much hers as they are ours, for this tale is unfortunately as old as time yet always catches us by surprise. Fortunately though, she finds her voice and a way to heal as she realizes that the one who lost is the one who left. "Someone You Once Had" is a wonderful response to those who walk away and then try to come back as if things were as easy as said and done.

There's no denying that ROSIE has given life to a soundscape that invites you to sing along and make yours from start to end. It hits all the marks and offers us all a chance to be inspired and to see the light that pushes away those grey skies. So listen closely and fall prey to the magical caress of the must-listen gem that is "Someone You Once Had". Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“The process of creating ‘Someone You Once Had’ was both painful and cathartic at the same time, because it’s about learning to love myself in the face of heartbreak, hardship, and loss! It’s easy to search for self-worth in someone else, but this song is about me finding it within myself for the first time, and finally feeling confident in who I am.”


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