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Soft Words

US-based indie singer/songwriter Brent de la Cruz comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and gives life to the realm of "Soft Words". With this exciting mix of melodies and lyrics, we are given a chance to explore a world unknown yet so hypnotizing and intoxicating. It's a one-of-a-kind soundscape that knows how to get all our senses invested, giving life to a truly lush and cinematic experience.

There's no denying the sweet magical touch offered by the masterfully crafted sonic realm of "Soft Words". The track has it all to be a fan favorite and it has already found a home among my personal playlists, making it a great addition to my Must-Listen playlist on Spotify. So listen closely and fall prey to the refreshing serving of musical ambrosia provided by this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“Soft Words uses juxtaposition both through its narrative lyrically and sonically as a vehicle to explore cognitive dissonance. This is something we as people succumb to on a daily basis at different levels of severity- all learning to cope with it in our own ways. However, sometimes it takes another perspective to see that you’re leaving a potential chasm unaddressed.” 

Brent de la Cruz

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