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POSSUM (feat. Eels)

US-based indie singer/songwriter meija joins forces with Eels and together they give life to inspiring sonic tale that is "POSSUM". With this fantastic blend of melodies and lyrics, they open up their hearts and souls to paint a picture that while theirs, is sure to feel personal to many who listen. It's a subtle yet passionate wake up call to realize that the life you are living is yours to live and the only one that can push it forward is you.

It's time to stop playing dead and to really act up and see what everything that surrounds you has to offer, because I am sure you'll see there's a lot of fun to be had. Life is there, just waiting for you to take the next step and embrace it with all it has, the good and the bad. It's a rollercoaster and you are just the right height to get on this ride and enjoy it as you go through the ups and downs and all the spins that make it so unique.

So come with me and let us get our tickets ready because I think you are ready to live and stop playing games as you push yourself and let your emotions roam free. Listen and let your imagination guide you through the intoxicating and mesmerizing realm found within this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"POSSUM is the first look into a new world that I’ve been working on. The song and video almost act as a prologue for a bigger story. 'POSSUM' is a song about trying to face the things that you feel like you haven’t been ready to face. I’ve been guilty of “playing dead” with emotions. Thinking that I’ve worked through something only to realize that maybe I just went through the motions and I’m not really past it.

With the video, I was trying to capture what it feels like to be stuck in something that doesn’t serve you, and the moment when you finally recognize that and choose a different path forward. Sometimes we need a little push. It could be as simple as a sudden realization or as wild as an almost mystical computer game that takes over the system and speaks to you directly." 


“My dog Bundy has been chasing squirrels for seven years and has never actually caught one. Recently I was out on the back porch when he suddenly yanked a possum by the tail right off a tree. The possum died immediately and was already covered in flies. Bundy lost interest and went inside to brag to his sister that he was now a bonafide killer.

I went inside to get gloves and a trash bag so I could attend to the grisly task of disposing of the possum carcass. I googled “what to do when your dog kills a possum” and the first thing on the list was “make sure it isn’t playing possum.” I went outside and the possum had vanished. I’d been had. A possum’s ability to completely shut down their systems is so convincing it even fools the flies.

But most importantly, Bundy didn’t see the possum come back from the dead, so he can maintain his swagger and bragging rights. When I got the call the next day to be part of Meija’s 'Possum' song it felt right. I had to say yes.” 

E of Eels

More of Meija

"POSSUM" Music Video

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