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Por Deporte

Editor's Notes Musical talent from the land of the Fifa World Cup Champions.

From the land of the latest Fifa World Cup winners (Argentina) comes the fantastic Paulo Londra and his song, "Por Deporte". With this refreshing track, the uber-talented young artist continues to push the boundaries of musical genres and gives life to a catchy and playful track. His voice is raw, honest and understands when to go fast and when to go slow for his verses simply flow along, becoming one with the airwaves.

The young rapper and all-around musical adventures plays with our imagination while delivering youthful sentences that tell a story so real and relatable. There's no hate, no anger, simply a fire that pushes him to craft some of the most amazing songs in the Latin-American music scene. "Por Deporte" is simply one of many soundscape made to pull you in and give you one hell of an experience. So listen closely and fall prey to the magic and honesty of this must-listen gem and the artist that gives it life. Enjoy the ride and explore the world of "Por Deporte"!

Location: Argentina

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Paulo Londra
