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Is it a plane, is it a bird, is it superman…no, it’s another hit by the always amazing Rec Hall, say hello to the sonic reality of “Olive”. With this playfully inviting and catchy mix of melodies and lyrics we get a perfect serving of indie rock sprinkled with the right amount of pop to get you dancing. It’s a track that embraces our imagination with such ease, becoming a cinematic escape from reality that speaks directly to our senses from the moment we press that always enticing play button.

There’s something about the way in which “Olive” comes together that you can’t help but need and want more and more of it, keeping it on repeat for who knows how long. It’s another fantastic addition to the ever-growing body of work of this talented band and one that is sure to become a fan favorite. So, listen closely and dive into the world of this exciting must-listen gem. Enjoy!

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