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Nail Biter

Canadian indie band Virgo Rising comes to Wolf in a Suit with the haunting indie folk musical creation that is "Nail Biter". With this track they manage to not only invite us to explore it, but they actually connect with the listener in a way that feels so personal and so refreshingly palpable. It's a one-of-a-kind experience that embraces our senses and feeds our imagination with the most amazing serving of musical ambrosia.

There's something about "Nail Biter" that while firmly placed in the folk realm, manages to break these walls and pull everyone in no matter what their preferences are. It's a soundscape that understands how to become a subtle and beautifully hypnotizing tale that allows us to feel a connection instantly, becoming a fan favorite and a perfect fit for any playlist. So listen closely and dive into the sweet magical unknown of this marvelous must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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