moment - Gal Musette - usa - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog


Editor's Notes A wonderfully cathartic and hypnotizing musical creation.

US-based indie singer/songwriter Gal Musette comes to Wolf in a Suit with the cathartic sonic creation that is "Moment". With this beautifully crafted blend of melodies and lyrics she lets feelings and emotions come alive and be explore with such care and honesty. The track invites us to explore it and to find a sort of healing as the verses flow with ease and caress our senses.

There's a warmth and relatable charm about "Moment" that makes it not only a sure to be fan-favorite, but a wonderfully inviting musical realm that allows us to bring down our walls and simply be ourselves. So listen closely and find a bit of yourself within the confines of this mesmerizing and wonderfully done must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"Moment was a song I wrote one verse for 7 years ago, but at some point I lost the paper with lyrics on it and over time almost completely forgot the melody. Years later when I experienced a significant personal loss, I was struggling to express my grief and fell into a crippling season of writer's block. By a stroke of serendipity, the lyric reappeared on a folded piece of paper in my glove compartment which triggered a memory of the melody, and led full circle to my finishing the song and beginning to let go."

Gal Musette

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