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Method in the Madness

From the Netherlands comes the always amazing Celine Cairo with her latest single, say hello to "Method in the Madness". With this wonderful track, she explores within herself and invites to do the same, really looking inside and embracing the good and the bad equally. It's a track that understands that we are fragile and our hearts and our minds might need solace, but we all have the strength to find balance between all these parts.

"Method in the Madness" speaks of that unique balance and understands that we are not perfect, but we are beautiful and capable of peace and moving forward. It's a really amazing soundscape, that knows how to grab a hold of you and really pull you into a tale so real, so palpable and so refreshingly inspiring. Listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical caress of this contemporary and mesmerizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Celine Cairo