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Editor's Notes Intoxicating, magical and lush soundscape bound to caress your very soul.

From Australia comes a haunting and inviting sound courtesy of Hein Cooper and Lawson Hull, say hello to "Maze". With this refreshingly human and down-to-earth blend of melodies and lyrics they invite us to explore a world so vivid and so lush. The track flows with ease, caressing our senses with such gentle touch that you can't help but need more of it. The vocals become one with the airwaves that surround us, pulling us in and letting know that it's ok to break free and let this magic course through us.

There's something about this soundscape, this experience, this song that is just so wonderfully ethereal and intoxicating from start to end. So listen closely and fall in love with the sweet escape offered by the must-listen gem that is "Maze". Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Hein Cooper

More of Lawson Hull